Warsaw in the eyes of Emanuel Ringelblum | walking tour
We’re inviting you to a walking tour devoted to Emanuel Ringelblum, the creator of the Underground Archive of Warsaw Ghetto. The event begins on July 7, in front of the Jewish Historical Institute.

During the walk, we will speak about prewar Warsaw and places related to Emanuel Ringelblum, creator of the Underground Archive of the Warsaw Ghetto. We will also talk about his political views, social activities, and his work as a historian and a teacher.

Emanuel Ringelblum was born in Buchach and spent his childhood and youth in Galicia, but dedicated most of his life to Warsaw. Krakowskie Przedmieście, Długa, Tłomackie, Leszno, Grójecka, Dzielna and Nowolipki – these are only a few streets related to the Warsaw chapter of the biography of Ringelblum and his family.

Guide: Dr. Bartosz Borys

Meeting spot: in front of the Emanuel Ringelblum Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, 3/5 Tłomackie Str.

Registration: Registration is required to participate in the walk. Send us an email to rezerwacja@jhi.pl with the subject "Walk 07.07". Participation is guaranteed by receiving a return message with confirmation.

Due to epidemiological restrictions, a limited number of participants can participate in the walk. It’s necessary to cover your mouth and nose unless you can keep a minimum distance of 1,5 meters between other persons.


If you are interested in the topic of the history and culture of Polish Jews we would like to recommend you visiting our bookstore “Księgarnia na Tłomackiem” located inside the Jewish Historical Institute (and available online) where you can purchase Polish and English language literature covering topics mentioned above.

Spacer odbywa się w ramach projektu Żydowskie Dziedzictwo Kulturowe

Opracowanie zbiorów jest finansowane przez Islandię, Liechtenstein i Norwegię w ramach Funduszu EOG oraz przez budżet krajowy

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Day: 07.07.2021
Hour: 18:00
Place: Warsaw