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Working hours:

In August 2024, the Reading Room will be closed.

From Monday to Friday from 9 am to 3 pm.

The Jewish Historical Institute Library continues the traditions of the Library at the Great Synagogue in Warsaw established in the 19th Century, then the Main Judaistic Library, currently - the JHI building. The Library had lost the majority of its resources during World War II, only some small remains of the pre-war collections were returned to the Institute at Tłomackie Street after 1945.

Today, The Jewish Historical Institute Library owns about 80,000 volumes dedicated to broadly understood Jewish subjects, with a particular focus on the history and culture of Polish Jews. The collection includes historical and contemporary prints. An especially rich section includes literature dedicated to the Holocaust era, but we also have editions of classics of Jewish literature or Hebrew and Yiddish translations of Polish and international literature.

Online catalogue


Research information and Reading Room

tel.: (22) 827 92 21 ext. 110



Using the JHI Library

The collections of books and periodicals can be accessed in the Reading Room. The originals of old prints and manuscripts are available on request, subject to the presentation of a letter of recommendation from university authorities or other research institutions.