Exhibitions in JHI reopened from June 1, 2020

Written by: Jewish Historical Institute
As part of the gradual opening of cultural institutions to the public in connection with the coronavirus pandemic, some of the Jewish Historical Institute exhibitions will be opened for guests from June 1. Please learn about special rules of visiting our exhibitions.


Dear Visitors,
from June 1 we invite you again to the permanent exhibition ‘What we’ve been unable to shout out to the world’ and to the exhibition ‘Bejt tefilla — The House of Prayer’.
The Jewish Historical Institute is slowly opening to visitors as part of reopening of cultural institutions in Poland due to the coronavirus pandemic.
Due to the current epidemiological situation in the country, the following rules apply to all visitors (until further notice):
• exhibitions are open to visitors from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 5 pm (last admission at 4 pm)
• The exhibition ’What we’ve been unable to shout out to the world’ can contain up to 20 people at a time
• the Bejt tefilla space can be visited by up to 2 people at a time
• tours in Polish and English and visiting exhibitions on Sunday are suspended
• we recommend visiting in masks and gloves and keeping a distance of 2 meters
• ticket office open from Monday to Friday 10–16. Payment ONLY by card. We recommend buying tickets at www.tickets.jhi.pl


We invite you to visit!




Download: full version of the current exhibition regulations



Jewish Historical Institute